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Form Teacher

-Mr Thomas

Co-form teacher

-Mr Ong (王老师)

-Mrs Cheng

-Mrs Kao
Customised Timetables:
(without remedial schedule)
(with remedial schedule)

Class Calender for Term 4:

Sunday, July 11, 2010

E-Learning on 12 July 2010 from 8.00am to 9.00am (English)

Hi Gentlemen,

Today from 8am to 9am, you need to work on your English assignments.

Please follow the step by step instructions and you'll breeze through.

8.00a.m. to 8.10a.m.

You will probably be checking the blog to see what you have to do. :)

8.10a.m. to 8.20a.m.

1) What's your story : Friendship beyond borders (What does friendship mean to you?)

Go to

Click on "share your story"

Fill in the blanks (Please provide the information truthfully)

Category : Children Category

School: Catholic High School (Primary)

Blurb: In 50 words, you have to express friendship that goes beyond, race, religion or country. Remember to SHOW the friendship not TELL the frienship. Use the POWER of English that you have learnt to express throughout the course of the year and hopefully that first 3 prizes will be yours! :)

Upload: Upload a photo of you and someone else. A group photo will also do.

Do see samples online. All the BEST!! :):)

8.20a.m. to 8.50a.m.
2) Log in to your Lead Portal

Click on the English Writing Buddy Primary 5(A new screen should pop out. You need the sound to be switched on)

Maximise the screen

On the left most side, you will see Topic Listings, Click Writing Skills

Click on Tutorial (Good Closure 1)
Once you are done,
Click on Activity 1 (Good Closure 1)

Click on Tutorial (Good Closure 2)
Once you are done,
Click on Activity 1 (Good Closure 2)

Click on Tutorial (What is Show, Not Tell)
Once you are done,
Click on Activity 1 (What is Show, Not Tell)

8.50a.m. to 9.00a.m.

3) Click on your assignments

You have 3 assignments to do. All the best!


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